Sunday, October 25, 2009

Coming to the end...

So, my good intentions have fallen rather flat. I realize it has been months and months since I last updated anything. I don't really have a good excuse, although I could go on and on about my life for the last few months and all the details of daily living. I still think it would be an excuse.

Today I find myself at home missing church, as my little girl has gotten sick. We were really praying she wouldn't get sick, because when she does, her little body just collapses. Last time she got sick, it took two months for her to get well. Lord willing, this will only be a few days.

I am officially 3 days over-due for Lunsford #3. I think I am really ready to be done being pregnant, but obviously, God is not. So, we wait... although I must admit it is with only a little patience!

In the meantime, I have thrown myself into the "Fall Spirit" with gusto. I must say that I love fall season the best. Already, we have been able to visit Apple Hill, the pumpkin patch, and not forgetting our weekly visits to the farmers market, where we have been rejoicing in the weekly fall produce!

Ezra has started Awana's and is officially a "Cubby". Unfortunately, he doesn't like it very much. We keep persevering though... the social interaction is a bonus, we feel. He also got to start an art class once a week with my mum and his two "uncles". He really loves this, although his attention span isn't the longest. I'm amazed by how good he is, and I'm really looking forward to starting school in two years.

Noelle is crawling like a house of fire. It's so fun to finally have a mobile baby. We just transitioned her into her brothers room, which Ez is really excited about. It's not going so well, as Noelle keeps waking up at night, but we will persevere here to.

Justin is almost out of hours at work, which is a mixed blessing. I think, on the whole, it will be really nice to have him home for 6 weeks with the new baby. It will really enable Noelle to keep going strong on her therapy, which would be rather difficult for me to take her too, right after #3 comes...

Blessings for now..