Thursday, October 14, 2010

Five Years

When Justin and I got married, five years ago, very few of our friends were getting married. However, since then, it seems as though we are overflowing in weddings.

I love weddings. They celebrate one of the most amazing and beautiful gifts this life has to give: a life partner. I find unique pleasure in those weddings that join together like-minded believers.

Weddings are beautiful, but marriage is hard. A wedding is only the start of a marriage. Marriage is where the refining is done, the 'true self' is revealed and exposed. Marriage can humiliate you, it can destroy you, it can break your spirit. Marriage can also bring your laughter and joy, it can build you up, it can reveal your weaknesses, shed you of your pride and selfishness.

I love that Jesus describes His relationship with us in the analogy of a marriage. His love and care for us should be mirrored in our love and care for our spouse. As marriages in this country are faltering and failing, my prayer is that those who enter their wedding day with such joy and bliss will work daily and faithfully to keep their spouse the bride/groom of their dreams.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Fall is here

Ah yes, the scent of fall. It's my favorite time of year. It's so magical, with the hint of coming winter, the changing leaves in the trees, the time to pull out George Winston, warm blankets, Hot Apple Cider, Caramel Cake, and begin the baking Odyssey.

It's also the signal to start school again. After five years going to California State University Chico, I'm beginning to show my gray hair and my age. I just don't care very much for school anymore. I want to spend my days carving pumpkins and raking leaves. Yet, as I press toward the goal of completing this old dream, I have to dig in and dig deep to finish strong.

I also started Ezra in Kindergarten at home. We are using SonLight, and loving every minute of it. Ez thinks school is the best thing to happen to him since Audrey came around. He is so bright and inquisitive, and I can't wait to start planning our family 'field-trips'.

The latest news involves a house. 20070 Redwood Ct, Foresthill California, to be exact. It is now our house (almost, we are slated to move in next month). We're just a little bit excited. Now, I need to start packing!